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Bright Posts - Where good ideas find you.

5 tips to get even more out of your Android smartphone


With a few adjustments to the settings, you can improve your Android phones. In this way, you can extend the runtime a little, keep the home screen clean – and more. Google’s Android offers a huge number of functions and settings that are not always optimally adjusted ex works. We have put together five tips … Read more

Why is working overtime a bad idea?


If overtime means better pay at the end of the month, that has consequences for your health! Especially since these hours don’t always equate to efficiency. Around 40% of office workers regularly work overtime. This comes from a study conducted by the discussion application Slack among around 10,333 workers living in the United States, Australia, … Read more

What investment to pay less taxes?


Every household knows how to reduce its taxable income, for example by paying maintenance to an adult parent. But when it comes to making large investments, the task is more difficult. You must understand the mechanism of each investment medium before committing. Everything also depends on the ability of each individual to bear the risks … Read more

Telephony, insurance, bank loans…Tips to renegotiate your contracts and pay less


Every year many people try to optimize their budget by reducing their fixed costs. Whether it’s about telephony, insurance or even banking services, there are several tips on how to pay less without sacrificing quality of service. Before you sign a contract or renegotiate an existing contract, it is important to carefully determine your actual … Read more