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health - Bright Posts

Why is working overtime a bad idea?


If overtime means better pay at the end of the month, that has consequences for your health! Especially since these hours don’t always equate to efficiency. Around 40% of office workers regularly work overtime. This comes from a study conducted by the discussion application Slack among around 10,333 workers living in the United States, Australia, … Read more

But why do some men like to pee outside?


Obviously, if you’re one of the half of humanity who can’t pee standing up, who has to worry about the logistics of tights and impractical playsuits, who just doesn’t want to show their buttocks in the air, and who values the privacy of tightly closed toilets and Access to soap and water for hand washing, … Read more

Tired despite lots of coffee? Pay attention to the time of your first cup


Your eyelids are heavy, your dark circles are eating into your cheeks, and you’re sleepy even though the day has just begun. Your first instinct when you wake up: make yourself a strong coffee to fuel you for the day. However, that morning shot of caffeine isn’t enough to re-energize you, and it leaves you … Read more

Do you sleep with your mouth open? Be careful of the consequences for your health!

When you sleep, your mouth can open for several reasons, and this can impact your health. During sleep, it’s common for our mouths to naturally open due to the gradual relaxation of facial muscles. Dr. Christine DeMason, assistant professor of otolaryngology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, explained to Huffpost that mouth … Read more